Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Keeping Your Skin Hydrated – Beverages & Foods to Avoid (or Consume in Moderation)

A well-hydrated skin ensures that you keep those fine lines and wrinkles at bay. You can spend an exorbitant amount of money on a really good moisturiser, but do you know that the simplest way to keep your skin hydrated is to drink as much water as possible? Nevertheless, there are beverages and foods that you should consume in moderation or as little as possible in order to avoid dehydration.

1. Drinks with high sugar content
    Such drinks are known to add other health problems such as weight gain and diabetes, but they also can increase water loss in the body. What happens is that the body's water storage capacity is reduced and enzyme function is impaired due to the acidic environment that is created when one consumes these sugary drinks. This is compounded by the fact that water and enzyme function are needed to metabolize the additional sugar. People who do excessive physical activities must watch what they drink, especially sports drinks that contain sugar as it may cause them to lose extra fluids.
Sodas on supermarket shelves
(Shared on Flickr by francois schnell)

2. Alcohol
    We're not asking you to abstain from your favourite wine or beer, but please drink in moderation. Alcohol is a diuretic, which makes you go to the restroom to do #1 on a frequent basis. For those of you who enjoy a night of drinking with friends, you face the prospect of a headache in the morning as your body has become dehydrated due to all those restroom visits. Your lack of energy in the morning is also due to the depletion of water after all the alcohol consumption.
(Shared on Flickr by Martin Garrido)

3. Coffee
    Okay, coffee lovers. We know what you're thinking. "Oh no, not coffee, too." Unfortunately, coffee is also a diuretic. This goes for caffeinated tea as well. Caffeine itself speeds up dehydration. To ensure that your coffee/tea intake is balanced, drink less than two cups a day. Otherwise, you should increase your water intake to prevent fluid loss. Those who are heavy coffee drinkers, like roughly five cups, or exceeding 500 miligrams per day, should watch out as you will definitely be dehydrated.
Steaming cup of coffee
(Shared on Flickr by waferboard)

1. Diet high in protein
    The nitrogen that occurs naturally in protein requires more water to metabolize. Otherwise, cells can become water-depleted. Foods that are high in protein and also salty, like cured meats such as pepperoni, can also lead to dehydration. Speaking of salty foods ...
Pepperoni pizza
 (Shared on Flickr by rob_rob2001)

2. Foods high in sodium
    Salty foods should be taken in moderation as the sodium needs to be leveled out with a high intake of water. Otherwise, eating too much salty food and not drinking enough water could lead to fluid loss. Foods high in sodium include fried foods, sausages, popcorn, soy sauce and other condiments, canned or frozen meals, fast food and salad dressings.
(Shared on Flickr by jayneandd)

3. Certain vegetables that have a diuretic effect
    Of course, most vegetables are good for you, as all vegetables have water as their main component. However, do consume in moderation those that have a diuretic effect. These include asparagus, celery, artichokes and parsley.
(Shared on Flickr by liz west)


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Skin Serum: 4 Fabulous Facts

Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect Stempowered Essence

Alright, you may be thinking, "I don't want to spend too much on skin care products that may or may not work." Or, you may be thinking, "A good skin care set, regardless of price, is an investment in how I want to look like 20 years from now." Whatever your thoughts are, almost all women and a number of men do care about their faces. It's the first thing that a person looks at 99.99% of the time when they meet new people. Your face is important and if you say, "Naah, I don't care about how I look", there's a small likelihood that you're lying to yourself and others.

So, how does skin serum fit into all of this? Well, skin serums are considered to be more expensive than most of the other skin care products that include cleansers, toners and moisturisers. We believe that a number of people still do not realize the importance of skin serums. Well, here are 5 facts from that will hopefully convince some of you to go and get a bottle of skin serum, in particular Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect Stempowered Essence

Fact #1: Skin serums will save you money
Yes, you read that right. This is how sees it: either you purchase 5 cheaper skin care products that not only do nothing for your skin, but also take up space on your shelf; or invest a little more on 1 product that does amazing things for your skin. Bottom line: a great serum that works for your skin will produce results that are visible, such as reducing fine lines or giving your skin a better complexion, among others. Thus, you won't waste money buying multiple products when you already have that one great product.

Fact #2: Using skin serums will result in fewer breakouts
Acne ... Everybody hates acne. Many skin serums are water-based, rather than oil-based. Thus, they absorb into the skin much faster without leaving an oily residue that will lead to skin breakouts such as acne. 

Fact #3: Skin serums will give you a less oily complexion
They keep your skin hydrated, at the same time they are far lighter and faster to absorb than moisturisers. This will result in your skin not overproducing sebum that leads to a less oily complexion. 

Fact #4: Skin serums contain up to 70% active ingredients, compared to the 5% to 10% active ingredients contained in cleansers in moisturisers. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Things People Used To Do (and Still Do) To Their Faces In The Name of Beauty

Shared on Flickr by Zenspa1
It was believed in the 1600s that wealth and power were signified by the paleness of one's skin that was untouched by the rays of the sun. To this extent, the affluent including Queen Elizabeth used extreme measures to maintain the right kind of pallor, including using a poisonous mixture of white lead and vinegar, as well as drawing blood to achieve that faint colour.

The first evidence of the use of the facial mask dated back in 1875, when a woman from Ohio in the US, who went by the name of Madame Helen M Rowley, patented what was called the toilet mask, which in her patent was described as a 'Mask for Medical Purposes'. Made of flexible India rubber and made to be worn while asleep, the mask's purpose was to beautify, bleach and preserve the complexion. Despite the fact that further in her patent, Madame Rowley described her mask as a "medium which prevents the escape by evaporation of the cutaneous transpiration (sic) that acts as a bleaching agent", the mask fell out of favour because it simply encouraged perspiration and also suffocated the pores of the skin. 

With the discovery of radium in the 1900s, the radioactive chemical was used by cosmetics companies in their products. Apparently, salon appointments were booked almost on a day-to-day basis so that women of the time would put masks infused with radium that promised to restore smoothness, among others. Of course, this treatment fell out of favour, too, as it only brought health problems to the salon-goers. 

The first effective modern sunscreen was invented in 1946 by the Swiss chemist Franz Greiter. Before that, those who had freckles on their face resorted to a rather painful spot removing treatment invented by Italian physician Dr M. Matarassoa in which carbon monoxide was used to freeze off freckles with a sharp needle. Ouch!

In the 1950s, the most popular facial treatment came with the advent of the television, thus encouraging women, mainly housewives, to seek that glowing healthy skin, was the facial steam, which is still in use today.

Nowadays, there's the vampire facial, made famous by Kim Kardashian, which mixes your own blood with Restylane or Juvederm. Apparently, this mask enhances a younger and firmer skin. Reminds us what rich people in the 1600s did. Guess Kim Kardashian took a leaf out this macabre book. Victoria Beckham uses a rather unhygienic type of facial that apparently were used by the Geisha in medieval Japan: bird poop. Guess people, especially women, would use anything to get youthful skin. 


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

5 Ways Rice Bran Oil Helps The Skin

Rice bran

Rice bran oil on its own has many benefits for the skin. But, we're narrowing them to just 5 points, taken from

1. Rice bran oil is a natural anti-oxidant, which helps inhibit aging, among others.

2. Rice bran oil can make your skin feel soft and velvety because it is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids.

3. If you have large pores, don't fret. Rice bran oil doesn't clog pores.

4. If you enjoy the sun, but not the UV rays that can harm your skin, rice bran oil acts as a sunblock to protect your skin from damaging UV rays.

5. Rice bran oil can help sooth irritated skin as it has anti-inflammatory properties.

One of the 7 key natural ingredients in Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect skin care products is rice bran. We've only listed 5 benefits, but rice bran in skin care does more than that. Check out our products on our Brand Street page on

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Good is Aloe Vera for Your Skin?

Aloe Vera slices
Aloe Vera was called the "plant of immortality" by the ancient Egyptians. So, the goodness of Aloe Vera has been recognized for thousands of years. Rather than bore you, dear reader, with the many benefits of Aloe Vera, we decided to focus on 4 ways that Aloe Vera benefits the skin.

1. There are two hormones in Aloe Vera gel called Auxin and Gibberellin that aid wound healing. These plant hormones also cut down inflammation of the skin as they have anti-inflammatory properties. Gibberellin on its own helps skin heal quickly and with minimal scarring because it stimulates the growth of new cells. Thus, with these two plant hormones, Aloe Vera gel can help reduce skin breakouts such as acne. 

2. Aloe Vera can act as a moisturizer for the skin. What else can we say?

3. Aloe Vera can help boost the natural firmness of the skin and keep it hydrated due to the fact that the plant contains anti-oxidants such as beta carotene and Vitamins C and E.

4.Because of its wound healing properties, Aloe Vera can help minimize stretch marks caused by pregnancy or rapid weight loss, among others.


Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect skin care products contain Aloe Vera as one of the 7 key natural ingredients. Have a look at our products on

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Chemicals in Skin Care Products

Women especially care about their skin, more so when it concerns their face. We at Living Jungle know this. That is why we include 7 natural active ingredients in all our skin care products: licorice root, apple stem cell, orange stem cell, rice bran, aloe vera, green tea leaf and diamond powder or dust. We also know that some women are particular about not just the active ingredients but also all the other ingredients in their skin care products.

Face photo courtesy of David Robert Bliwas under Creative Commons license

Then of course they read the list of ingredients and come across big-sounding words such as tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyphenyl propamidobenzoic acid, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, aluminum chloride, zinc chloride, manganese chloride, copper sulfate, ethylparaben, propylparaben, methylparaben, butylparaben, isobutylparaben ... the list goes on. You must be thinking, "What are these chemicals for?" and most importantly, "Are they safe to use on my precious skin?"

We understand your concern. Thus, we feel a little bit of education is needed in order to understand the function of these chemicals in our skin care products. Words such as acetate, chloride and paraben might scare you off. But, the listed chemicals above have specific use in personal care products in general and skin care products in particular.

1. Tocopheryl Acetate – Another name for it is Vitamin E Acetate, and it is often used in dermatological products such as skin cream (Wikipedia).
2. Hydroxyphenyl Propamidobenzoic Acid – According to, this chemical ingredient is used as skin conditioning and is included in the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.
3. Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Aluminum Chloride, Zinc Chloride & Manganese Chloride – sodium chloride is your basic table salt, but in skin care products, it is used as a viscosity agent, as a thickener and a binding agent.According to, magnesium chloride is used in products that include hair care, eye makeup, cleansers, hand & body lotions, and soaps & detergents, among others. Information gleaned from, as per, says that potassium chloride is used as viscosity increasing agent or a thickening agent in cosmetics and skin care formulas. also says that aluminum chloride is applied to the skin to curb the production of sweat at the site of application, and is also used to protect the formulation of unpleasant smells. It is not stated on the site, but based on the description, aluminum chloride is probably used in deodorants. Also according to, zinc chloride is used in the prevention of odour by suppressing the growth of microorganisms. Its most common application is in oral cavity products such as mouthwashes, but is also can be found in skin care products. According to, ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol manganese chloride is an active ingredient in sunscreen products.
4. Based on info taken from, copper sulfate does not have any impact in skin care product as there is no research to back it up. However, copper sulfate has an effect on wound healing when applied topically.
5. Parabens are the most widely used preservatives in personal care products, according to If you keep your cosmetics and skin care products in the bathroom, where the likelihood of growth for fungi, bacteria and other microbes is high due to the moisture and warmth in the environment, parabens in those products inhibit the growth of such microrganisms. However, for more information on parabens and its possible effects, search for the keyword 'paraben' at

We hope that you have become at least a little well-informed as to why these chemicals are in your skin care and personal care products. Thus, don't be alarmed when you come across them in the list of ingredients for any of Living Jungle's skin care products.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Benefits of Green Tea in Curbing Acne

First and foremost, there's a high likelihood that your acne will not clear up if you continue to consume dairy, sugar, vegetable oil and gluten-based food no matter how much green tea you drink. So consider lowering your intake of these foods, or completely take them out of your diet. There are other sources of protein and sugar, such as nuts, fruits and honey, among others.

According to, your acne issue can be resolved with green tea as it will lessen the production of sebum, cut down levels of skin inflammation, and strengthen your immune system. 

Our WhiteSynergy Effect skin care collection contains 7 natural active ingredients, and one of them is Green Tea Leaf. This is definitely good news for those who suffer from acne breakouts, especially on their face.

Browse through our products on our Brand Street page on

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask Trial Product Promo

Hmmm, we understand your skepticism. You get a chance to stay for FREE at a 4-Star Hotel in Bangkok after trying out our WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask for FREE? It does sound too good to be true. Of course, we just don't give away the Grand Prizes just like that. You'll find there are Terms & Conditions tied to this promotion, which you have to agree to by ticking the box after filling in your personal details on our Event page at We suggest you read the T&Cs carefully as we are not in the business of misleading innocent consumers. 

Now, you must be curious as to why we came up with this Free Trial promotion in the first place. It's because we want to get as many people to try out our PP Mask (PP stands for Powered Penetration) as we believe in its whitening effectiveness. That is why we want as many testimonials as possible as we hope that all of you out there who are trying out our PP Mask will find a difference in the complexion and texture of your skin after you have tried it out. 

Go ahead. What have you got to lose? You only need to pay the shipping fee, which is much, much less than the cost of the mask per pack. Grab this chance to win that coveted FREE stay in Bangkok.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Apples & Oranges ... Not So Different When Used in Skin Care

You've heard of the phrase "apples and oranges" when describing two people or two situations that are completely different. But here at Living Jungle, we have found that the combination of apple and orange extracts in our WhiteSynergy Effect skin care products has more things in common.

Both apples and oranges are rich in Vitamin C. According to David Wolfe, nutrition expert and author as per, the cell production of skin can be speed up with the use of Vitamin C. This is crucial in making your skin look radiant. Wolfe also said that Vitamin C strengthens your hair and nails. Apart from that, other vitamins in apples such as B5 and B9 can help fight acne and skin irritation. According to, Vitamin C in oranges can enrich the hydration of your skin, resulting in a youthful appearance as wrinkles are reduced.

We mentioned that apples can help curb acne and skin irritation. Well, the properties in oranges can do the same as well. Vitamin A, for example, according to the National Institutes of Health as per, is used in acne treatment. The appearance of pimples, or swelling of the skin, can be lowered with Vitamin C in oranges. Acne is prevented when dead skin cells are removed and pores are cleansed with Vitamin C as an ingredient in your skin care. This is because the citric acid in oranges are part of the chemical group alpha hydroxyl acids, which work well in exfoliating the skin.

Visit our Brand Street page on to know more about the 7 key natural active ingredients used in our WhiteSynergy Effect skin care collection.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Importance of Toners as Part of Your Skin Care Regimen

According to, your skin can look younger, fresher and smoother, with the right kind of toner when used after cleansing and throughout the day.

But, what's the right kind of toner? 

There are 3 types of toner:
1. Toners with alcohol-based ingredients such as witch hazel. Another type of toner known as astringents are also alcohol-based. Alcohol-based toners and astringents are only suitable for normal, oily or non-sensitive skin types. 

2. Toners that have water and glycerin or glycol-based formulas. Such toners are typically added with fragrant extracts like citrus fruits or rose water. Some people may have a reaction to these types of toners due to the addition of fragrant ingredients.

3. Toners with water-based formulas that include elements such as anti-oxidants, skin-repairing substances and cell communicating ingredients. 

Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect Clear Lotion falls under the second type of toner. However, it has 7 key natural active ingredients that include licorice root, rice bran, aloe vera, green tea leaf, orange and apple stem cells, and diamond powder. It is not overpoweringly fragrant, thus it is mild. Check it out at Living Jungle's Brand Street page at

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Use of Licorice Extract as a Skin Whitening Agent

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) Root

Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask contains 7 main natural active ingredients, and the focus of this entry is one of those 7 ingredients, which is licorice extract.

Liquorice, or licorice, has been used in the treatment of skin ailments for thousands of years, according to The site mentions at least 3 chemical compounds in licorice extracts — glycyrrhizin, glabridin, liquiritin — that have been proven to be beneficial to the skin when an emulsion form of licorice extract, or gel form, is applied topically to the skin. However, we want to focus on only one of the three compounds — glabridin.

The effect of glabridin, according to, in lightening the colour of the skin has been successful. The site also mentions that glabridin is also effective in preventing inflammation of the skin and UV-B induced pigmentation.

Living Jungle chooses the natural active ingredients for its skin care carefully, and for the reasons above, that is why licorice extract is included in WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask. Check out on Facebook to see the testimonials of people who have tried using our popular peel-off facial mask.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Diamonds are a girl's best friend ... And a girl's best facial care?

You may not believe it, but Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask uses diamond powder to improve the aura of your face. Yeah, you're allowed to think that diamond, in powdered form or not, is a pretty expensive ingredient to use.

According to, diamond dust is used in skin care to get rid of dead skin and at the same time, rejuvenate the skin. So, it doesn't just improve the aura of your face.

We at Living Jungle uses the best natural ingredients for its facial care products, but at the same time we are aware that we must give value for money. That is why you know you will not be disappointed when using our WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask. Our Facebook Fan Page posted a survey carried out in 2014, in which 50 women participated. 96% of participants said their face felt silky smooth and brighter after using WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask. Hmm, could be it because of the diamond powder? Why don't you try it out yourself? Check out on Facebook.