Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Good is Aloe Vera for Your Skin?

Aloe Vera slices
Aloe Vera was called the "plant of immortality" by the ancient Egyptians. So, the goodness of Aloe Vera has been recognized for thousands of years. Rather than bore you, dear reader, with the many benefits of Aloe Vera, we decided to focus on 4 ways that Aloe Vera benefits the skin.

1. There are two hormones in Aloe Vera gel called Auxin and Gibberellin that aid wound healing. These plant hormones also cut down inflammation of the skin as they have anti-inflammatory properties. Gibberellin on its own helps skin heal quickly and with minimal scarring because it stimulates the growth of new cells. Thus, with these two plant hormones, Aloe Vera gel can help reduce skin breakouts such as acne. 

2. Aloe Vera can act as a moisturizer for the skin. What else can we say?

3. Aloe Vera can help boost the natural firmness of the skin and keep it hydrated due to the fact that the plant contains anti-oxidants such as beta carotene and Vitamins C and E.

4.Because of its wound healing properties, Aloe Vera can help minimize stretch marks caused by pregnancy or rapid weight loss, among others.


Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect skin care products contain Aloe Vera as one of the 7 key natural ingredients. Have a look at our products on

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