Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Importance of Toners as Part of Your Skin Care Regimen

According to, your skin can look younger, fresher and smoother, with the right kind of toner when used after cleansing and throughout the day.

But, what's the right kind of toner? 

There are 3 types of toner:
1. Toners with alcohol-based ingredients such as witch hazel. Another type of toner known as astringents are also alcohol-based. Alcohol-based toners and astringents are only suitable for normal, oily or non-sensitive skin types. 

2. Toners that have water and glycerin or glycol-based formulas. Such toners are typically added with fragrant extracts like citrus fruits or rose water. Some people may have a reaction to these types of toners due to the addition of fragrant ingredients.

3. Toners with water-based formulas that include elements such as anti-oxidants, skin-repairing substances and cell communicating ingredients. 

Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect Clear Lotion falls under the second type of toner. However, it has 7 key natural active ingredients that include licorice root, rice bran, aloe vera, green tea leaf, orange and apple stem cells, and diamond powder. It is not overpoweringly fragrant, thus it is mild. Check it out at Living Jungle's Brand Street page at

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