Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Use of Licorice Extract as a Skin Whitening Agent

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) Root

Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask contains 7 main natural active ingredients, and the focus of this entry is one of those 7 ingredients, which is licorice extract.

Liquorice, or licorice, has been used in the treatment of skin ailments for thousands of years, according to The site mentions at least 3 chemical compounds in licorice extracts — glycyrrhizin, glabridin, liquiritin — that have been proven to be beneficial to the skin when an emulsion form of licorice extract, or gel form, is applied topically to the skin. However, we want to focus on only one of the three compounds — glabridin.

The effect of glabridin, according to, in lightening the colour of the skin has been successful. The site also mentions that glabridin is also effective in preventing inflammation of the skin and UV-B induced pigmentation.

Living Jungle chooses the natural active ingredients for its skin care carefully, and for the reasons above, that is why licorice extract is included in WhiteSynergy Effect PP Mask. Check out on Facebook to see the testimonials of people who have tried using our popular peel-off facial mask.

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