Thursday, June 8, 2017

Skin & Exercise

Shared on Flickr by Brett Lohmeyer
If the first thought that comes to mind where skin and exercise are concerned is facial exercises, well, there is an excellent article by (Google "facial exercises") that expound on the Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method. 

No, we're here to talk about that physical exertion you make with your body as you exercise and how it benefits your skin. 

According to Ellen Marmur, associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, US, as per, anything that promotes blood circulation can help keep your skin healthy and vibrant.

Marmur, who also wrote Simple Skin Beauty: Every Woman's Guide to a Lifetime of Healthy, Gorgeous Skin, says that increased blood flow nourishes skin cells. This happens as blood carries oxygen to working cells throughout the body, including the skin. Blood flow will also help carry waste products, such as free radicals, away from working cells. Marmur says, in a way, exercise raises blood flow, which in turn is like cleansing the skin from the inside. 

For rosacea sufferers, exercise in a cool environment to avoid flare-ups. Also use cold compresses to problematic areas after exercise. For eczema and psoriasis sufferers, also exercise in a cool environment. Apply moisturizer to arms, legs and areas with skin creases such as underarms and groin. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

If you spot any of these, call your dermatologist immediately

Worried that you have any of the following symptoms? Go check with your dermatologist or a medical professional
(Shared on Flickr by Giorgio Montersino)
1. A new spot on your skin that is raised, is more than one colour, or has an irregular shape.
2. Any old spots or moles that appear to be changing.
3. Sudden or extensive hair growth on your face or chest.
4. Patchy hair loss on your scalp.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Natural is Important in Skin Care

An online survey of more than 1,000 American women aged 18 and above that was conducted in June 2015 and published on found that the percentage of women who claimed it is important that their skin care purchases must contain all natural ingredients accounted for 54% of those surveyed. 

29% of respondents said they would not buy skin care products that contain sulfates, followed by parabens (22%), synthetic fragrances (18%) and PEG compounds (15%). 

39% of those surveyed said that they would only purchase or purchase more all-natural skin care products in the next two years than they currently do. 

In relation to age groups, 63% of Millennials said that it is important that their skin care product purchases are all natural, followed by 58% of women aged 35 - 44 who said the same thing. 

We at Living Jungle understand the importance of using all-natural ingredients in our skin care products. Our WhiteSynergy Effect skin care range use 7 main natural active ingredients: licorice extract, apple stem cells, orange stem cells, aloe vera extract, rice bran essence, green tea extract and diamond dust. Check them out at our e-store on

Monday, April 17, 2017

Trivia on Skin!

Living Jungle Skin Care Collection

(Shared on Flickr by Iwan Gabovitch)

1. You probably already know this, but skin is the body's largest organ, spanning an average of 21 square feet on the human body.
2. A woman's skin is lighter than a man's: 6.5 pounds compared to nearly 12 pounds on average.
3. Skin is thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and thinnest on the eyelids.
4. Skin regeneration takes place every 27 days on average.
5. In a year, the amount of skin cells shed by a person is 8.5 pounds on average.
6. During hot weather, up to 3 gallons of sweat can be released.

For protective skin care, use Living Jungle's WhiteSynergy Effect range, available on our e-store on

Monday, April 3, 2017

Facial Exfoliation: All You Need To Know

1. Gets rid of dry, dull skin by removing dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis.
2. Keeps pores from becoming clogged. Clogged pores result in acne and blackheads. 
3. When dead skin cells are removed, the skin's renewal process is sped up, thus allowing skin cells that are healthier and smoother to the surface. Fine lines and wrinkles are diminished and discoloration is controlled.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise – The Golden Rule of Face Care

Do you not think it's the Golden Rule of Face Care? We at Living Jungle think it is. We can give you our opinion on the importance of cleansing, toning and moisturising, but we'd rather use an expert opinion, so at least you won't think that we're biased on this matter. 

According to a lifestyle & beauty blogger and vlogger,, cleansing, toning & moisturising are important simply because "Our skin is (the) largest organ on/in our body, (thus it is) the most abused by our environment lifestyle". Therefore, it is important to take care of your skin, especially the part(s) that are exposed, and the face is one of the most exposed parts of our skin. 

1. Cleansing says that our skin has a thin acidic film which protects and acts as a barrier to bacteria, viruses etc that could potentially infiltrate into our bodies. A good cleanser is ideally added fragrance-free and pH balanced. Don't use soap as it contains alkaline, which will counterbalance the slight acidic protective layer on our skin.
2. Toning says that toning helps to readjust the skin's pH in order for the acidic protective layer on the skin to remain. Get a very mild pH balanced toner. Toning also helps to close and tighten pores left open after cleansing.
3. Moisturising says moisturising is important simply because of one thing that we cannot stop: ageing. As we get older, our skin loses its natural moisturising properties, among others. Thus, this ends our Golden Rule of Face Care.

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